As a software developer providing your services through the cloud or Software as a Service (SaaS) your primary focus lies with finding and supporting clients, not on providing Escrow.
However, your customers are looking for assurances that their investment and the continuity of their business is protected, in the event you are no longer available to support them.
So how do you meet your obligations to the customer’s business continuity requirements without inhibiting the continued operation of your business?
The majority of Software Escrow agents protecting SaaS applications offer as standard a simple Escrow model which focuses on a single annual deposit, with the option to include an additional emergency deposit if required.
Although this approach is effective for installed applications where all data and relevant information is already available and accessible at the end users premises, for SaaS clients this is not a viable solution as the source code and data for these applications can change on a daily basis.
There is a good chance your clients recognise this, if not at the start of the agreement then some time during and they may ask for more regular deposits to ensure that their critical applications are protected. This could prove costly as most Escrow agents will charge you for additional deposits (either you or your client) and you may well have to spend valuable time and resources updating deposits on a more frequent basis.
Wouldn’t it be better to identify and meet your client’s business continuity needs from the outset and recognise that, in most cases, a much higher frequency of depositing is required and provides a higher level of assurance?
Since it was founded in 2002, SES has always focused on challenging industry norms to provide market leading, cost effective solutions for our clients and we incorporate this into everything we do.
Our SaaS agreements as standard include an unlimited number of data deposits, up to a negotiated size limit throughout the year as part of a flat annual fee so there are no hidden costs.
We also register depositors against our own servers, providing you the freedom to deposit whenever required. Many even automate their deposit schedule i.e. daily or weekly etc. in line with existing back-ups to minimise the impact to your business and ensuring that in the event of a release, all source code and data is current.
We believe this is the best solution for both you and your clients, providing depositing flexibility, saving you time and money whilst ensuring your clients get peace of mind that the continuity of their business is protected.
If you are interested in find out more about our SFTP deposits and the benefits they can provide for you, please get in touch and one of our specialists will get back to you within one business day.
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